Tuesday, August 30, 2011

OK Soda - You Remind Me Of Something.

Every time the name comes up, my nostalgia kicks in.   
That sunny, quiet morning in the summer of '94. 
Just me and a can of some soda my mom bought me as a bribe.  
A bribe that ensured I wouldn't care about being taken away from my puppy for the night and instead having her friend, Kaloni watch me for the night at her house while my mom went out.  

" Honey, would you like anything before I drop you off? "
" There's this new soda out there now, can I try it? "
" Of course " 

Mom buys it, I hold it in my hands in astonishment.  Never had I laid eyes on such a interesting can. 
So much so that I waited UNTIL THE NEXT MORNING to drink it. 
I woke up and opened the can in front of a BIG window that overlooked their backyard. 
I will never forget how happy I was that mom bought that for me. 

Around Here, 1920's Fashion Is Where It's At

This was a great period for fashion.  

Friday, August 26, 2011

Being A Fiona Apple Fan Is A Virtue

                                    Spring has come & gone and still...no new album.
                                      I blame it on Michelle Branch.  Yup. I said it.

     Had Michelle not told the press that Fiona's new unreleased material was so GREAT
               just maybe more people would have been excited about the Buddy Holly
                                                    cover she did instead.

Taco Bell With A Raveonette

   One April night, Rossing & I went out to play our weekly game of pool @ Dibbo's. 
   After the game, my boy asked me to stop by Taco Bell before I dropped him off @ home. 
   When we arrived.....
   We noticed a tour bus @ the gas station across the street so we checked it out. 
   Standing right outside the bus door talking to some guy was the lead singer of The Raveonettes. 
   Love that band.  So much so that I had a Raveonettes button on my visor.  
   I pulled up next to the singer and pulled my button down and showed it to him. 
   He looked at me like " Meh ".   Alrighty then.  Take care, guy. 

  On to Taco Bell. 
 Where the gas station is located and the location of the drive-thru is, it's like a candy cane. The bus' location being the top of the cane and the drive-thru being the very end if the cane.
We wrapped around TB and pulled into the drive thru and wouldn't you know it, just standing in front of the intercom ( attempting to order food-funny ) with the drummer was Ms. Sharin Foo.  
I asked them if they were interested in sitting in the back so they could order. 
They agreed.
A couple of soft shell steak taco's and a autograph later, Rossing & I dropped her back off at the tour bus.  


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sam Cook

Sam Cook. Just one of MANY talented poets that reside in Minnesota.
Also my favorite.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Gypsy "So Many Promises"

James Walsh was my boss for a couple years and even hooked me up with my car....
I had no idea he had such a awe inspiring musical past. Until I asked =) 

Monday, August 15, 2011

Last Stop, Rockaway Beach.

From the very moment I laid eyes on " Sea Changes" it was art appreciation at first sight. 
The colors, the space...the fact that I illegally had a still blown up and printed. 
Shoooot, I went all out and bought a nice black frame for it too.  

The Perfect Sidekick.


Friday, August 12, 2011

Her Space Holiday - The Ringing In My Ears

One has to meditate for years to become as chill as this group naturally is. 

Wesley The Owl

                         If you don't read this, you're letting the Terrorists win.